How Can You Be Involved at AUMC?

There are many ways to be involved at Archbold UMC!

What is your special gift or talent?

What do you love doing?


  • Music Ministry

    For those with an interest in music, we hope you will consider singing with the Chancel Choir, ringing hand bells in the Bell Choir, and singing or playing an instrument for a Ministry of Music presentation during worship.  

    Contact: Susie Slawinski, Director of Worship & Music Ministries

  • Relational Ministry

    If you are a "people person" or have the gift of relating to others, you might wish to be a Liturgist, give a Children’s Sermon, welcome members and guests as an Usher or Greeter on Sunday morning, become a Prayer Partner for an AUMC youth, or help with the children in Junior Church during worship. 

    Contact: Susie Slawinski, Director of Worship & Music Ministries

    or Steph Schintkey, Director of Youth Ministries

  • SERVANT Ministry

    If your interests are more “behind the scenes” and want to serve God and lend a hand, help is always appreciated decorating the sanctuary during special seasons of the church year, volunteering to light the Advent candles during worship or help decorate the church for Christmas, helping prepare communion, setting up and cleaning up after worship or other special events, preparing food and serving at meals, or many other ways that you can help serve at AUMC.

    Contact: Susie Slawinski, Director of Worship & Music Ministries or the Cheri Zuver, AUMC Office Manager